( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: rtrim() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given in /var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/SecurityPlugin.php on line 20
( ! ) TypeError: rtrim() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given in /var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/SecurityPlugin.php on line 20
Call Stack
10.0002359288{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0011410552handle( $uri = '/info.offer.hoge' ).../index.php:54
30.0013432848dispatch( ).../index.php:54
40.0015440000fire( $eventType = 'dispatch:beforeExecuteRoute', $source = class Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher { protected $container = class Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault { protected $services = ['annotations' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Annotations\\Adapter\\Memory'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'assets' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Assets\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'crypt' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Crypt'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'cookies' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response\\Cookies'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = ... }, 'escaper' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Escaper'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'eventsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Events\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flash' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = FALSE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flashSession' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Flash\\Session'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'filter' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsMetadata' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'request' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Request'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'response' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'router' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE } }, 'security' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Security'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'tag' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Tag'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'transactionManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Transaction\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'url' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL } }, 'fullUrl' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'view' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] } }, 'db' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'session' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'logger' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }]; protected $sharedInstances = ['router' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => ..., 'view' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] }, 'Karisui\Controllers\IndexController' => class Karisui\Controllers\IndexController { protected bool $useActionLog = FALSE; protected string $title = '刈谷市民吹奏楽団'; protected array $metas = []; protected array $priCss = []; protected array $priJs = []; protected array $secCss = []; protected array $secJs = []; protected string $siteCharset = 'UTF-8'; protected string $today = ''; protected string $subDir = ''; protected string $controllerPath = ''; protected array $hierarchy = []; protected Karisui\Models\Users $user = *uninitialized*; protected int $uid = 0; protected array $logs = []; protected $container = ... }]; protected $eventsManager = NULL }; protected $activeHandler = class Karisui\Controllers\IndexController { protected bool $useActionLog = FALSE; protected string $title = '刈谷市民吹奏楽団'; protected array $metas = []; protected array $priCss = []; protected array $priJs = []; protected array $secCss = []; protected array $secJs = []; protected string $siteCharset = 'UTF-8'; protected string $today = ''; protected string $subDir = ''; protected string $controllerPath = ''; protected array $hierarchy = []; protected Karisui\Models\Users $user = *uninitialized*; protected int $uid = 0; protected array $logs = []; protected $container = class Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault { protected $services = ['annotations' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Annotations\\Adapter\\Memory'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'assets' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Assets\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'crypt' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Crypt'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'cookies' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response\\Cookies'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = ... }, 'escaper' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Escaper'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'eventsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Events\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flash' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = FALSE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flashSession' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Flash\\Session'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'filter' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsMetadata' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'request' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Request'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'response' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'router' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE } }, 'security' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Security'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'tag' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Tag'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'transactionManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Transaction\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'url' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL } }, 'fullUrl' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'view' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] } }, 'db' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'session' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'logger' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }]; protected $sharedInstances = ['router' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => ..., 'view' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] }, 'Karisui\Controllers\IndexController' => ...]; protected $eventsManager = NULL } }; protected $activeMethodMap = ['index' => 'index']; protected $actionName = 'index'; protected $actionSuffix = 'Action'; protected $camelCaseMap = ['index' => 'Index']; protected $defaultNamespace = 'Karisui\\Controllers'; protected $handlerHashes = ['000000002affc735000000005f78285f' => TRUE]; protected $handlerName = 'index'; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['dispatch:beforeExecuteRoute' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Karisui\Plugins\SecurityPlugin { protected $container = NULL }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $finished = TRUE; protected $forwarded = FALSE; protected $isControllerInitialize = FALSE; protected $lastHandler = NULL; protected $modelBinder = NULL; protected $modelBinding = FALSE; protected $moduleName = ''; protected $namespaceName = 'Karisui\\Controllers'; protected $params = []; protected $previousActionName = NULL; protected $previousHandlerName = NULL; protected $previousNamespaceName = NULL; protected $returnedValue = NULL; protected $defaultAction = 'index'; protected $defaultHandler = 'index'; protected $handlerSuffix = 'Controller' } ).../index.php:54
50.0015441312fireQueue( $queue = class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Karisui\Plugins\SecurityPlugin { protected $container = NULL }, 'priority' => 100]] }, $event = class Phalcon\Events\Event { protected $cancelable = TRUE; protected $data = NULL; protected $source = class Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher { protected $container = class Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault { protected $services = ['annotations' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Annotations\\Adapter\\Memory'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'assets' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Assets\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'crypt' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Crypt'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'cookies' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response\\Cookies'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = ... }, 'escaper' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Escaper'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'eventsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Events\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flash' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = FALSE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flashSession' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Flash\\Session'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'filter' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsMetadata' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'request' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Request'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'response' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'router' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE } }, 'security' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Security'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'tag' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Tag'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'transactionManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Transaction\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'url' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL } }, 'fullUrl' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'view' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] } }, 'db' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'session' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'logger' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }]; protected $sharedInstances = ['router' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => ..., 'view' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] }, 'Karisui\Controllers\IndexController' => class Karisui\Controllers\IndexController { protected bool $useActionLog = FALSE; protected string $title = '刈谷市民吹奏楽団'; protected array $metas = []; protected array $priCss = []; protected array $priJs = []; protected array $secCss = []; protected array $secJs = []; protected string $siteCharset = 'UTF-8'; protected string $today = ''; protected string $subDir = ''; protected string $controllerPath = ''; protected array $hierarchy = []; protected Karisui\Models\Users $user = *uninitialized*; protected int $uid = 0; protected array $logs = []; protected $container = ... }]; protected $eventsManager = NULL }; protected $activeHandler = class Karisui\Controllers\IndexController { protected bool $useActionLog = FALSE; protected string $title = '刈谷市民吹奏楽団'; protected array $metas = []; protected array $priCss = []; protected array $priJs = []; protected array $secCss = []; protected array $secJs = []; protected string $siteCharset = 'UTF-8'; protected string $today = ''; protected string $subDir = ''; protected string $controllerPath = ''; protected array $hierarchy = []; protected Karisui\Models\Users $user = *uninitialized*; protected int $uid = 0; protected array $logs = []; protected $container = class Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault { protected $services = ['annotations' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Annotations\\Adapter\\Memory'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'assets' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Assets\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'crypt' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Crypt'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'cookies' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response\\Cookies'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = ... }, 'escaper' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Escaper'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'eventsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Events\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flash' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = FALSE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flashSession' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Flash\\Session'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'filter' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsMetadata' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'request' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Request'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'response' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'router' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE } }, 'security' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Security'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'tag' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Tag'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'transactionManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Transaction\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'url' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL } }, 'fullUrl' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'view' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] } }, 'db' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'session' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'logger' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }]; protected $sharedInstances = ['router' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => ..., 'view' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] }, 'Karisui\Controllers\IndexController' => ...]; protected $eventsManager = NULL } }; protected $activeMethodMap = ['index' => 'index']; protected $actionName = 'index'; protected $actionSuffix = 'Action'; protected $camelCaseMap = ['index' => 'Index']; protected $defaultNamespace = 'Karisui\\Controllers'; protected $handlerHashes = ['000000002affc735000000005f78285f' => TRUE]; protected $handlerName = 'index'; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['dispatch:beforeExecuteRoute' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Karisui\Plugins\SecurityPlugin { protected $container = NULL }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $finished = TRUE; protected $forwarded = FALSE; protected $isControllerInitialize = FALSE; protected $lastHandler = NULL; protected $modelBinder = NULL; protected $modelBinding = FALSE; protected $moduleName = ''; protected $namespaceName = 'Karisui\\Controllers'; protected $params = []; protected $previousActionName = NULL; protected $previousHandlerName = NULL; protected $previousNamespaceName = NULL; protected $returnedValue = NULL; protected $defaultAction = 'index'; protected $defaultHandler = 'index'; protected $handlerSuffix = 'Controller' }; protected $stopped = FALSE; protected $type = 'beforeExecuteRoute' } ).../index.php:54
60.0016444240Karisui\Plugins\SecurityPlugin->beforeExecuteRoute( $event = class Phalcon\Events\Event { protected $cancelable = TRUE; protected $data = NULL; protected $source = class Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher { protected $container = class Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault { protected $services = ['annotations' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Annotations\\Adapter\\Memory'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'assets' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Assets\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'crypt' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Crypt'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'cookies' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response\\Cookies'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = ... }, 'escaper' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Escaper'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'eventsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Events\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flash' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = FALSE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flashSession' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Flash\\Session'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'filter' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsMetadata' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'request' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Request'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'response' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'router' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE } }, 'security' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Security'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'tag' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Tag'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'transactionManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Transaction\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'url' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL } }, 'fullUrl' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'view' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] } }, 'db' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'session' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'logger' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }]; protected $sharedInstances = ['router' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => ..., 'view' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] }, 'Karisui\Controllers\IndexController' => class Karisui\Controllers\IndexController { protected bool $useActionLog = FALSE; protected string $title = '刈谷市民吹奏楽団'; protected array $metas = []; protected array $priCss = []; protected array $priJs = []; protected array $secCss = []; protected array $secJs = []; protected string $siteCharset = 'UTF-8'; protected string $today = ''; protected string $subDir = ''; protected string $controllerPath = ''; protected array $hierarchy = []; protected Karisui\Models\Users $user = *uninitialized*; protected int $uid = 0; protected array $logs = []; protected $container = ... }]; protected $eventsManager = NULL }; protected $activeHandler = class Karisui\Controllers\IndexController { protected bool $useActionLog = FALSE; protected string $title = '刈谷市民吹奏楽団'; protected array $metas = []; protected array $priCss = []; protected array $priJs = []; protected array $secCss = []; protected array $secJs = []; protected string $siteCharset = 'UTF-8'; protected string $today = ''; protected string $subDir = ''; protected string $controllerPath = ''; protected array $hierarchy = []; protected Karisui\Models\Users $user = *uninitialized*; protected int $uid = 0; protected array $logs = []; protected $container = class Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault { protected $services = ['annotations' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Annotations\\Adapter\\Memory'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'assets' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Assets\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'crypt' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Crypt'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'cookies' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response\\Cookies'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = ... }, 'escaper' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Escaper'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'eventsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Events\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flash' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = FALSE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flashSession' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Flash\\Session'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'filter' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsMetadata' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'request' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Request'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'response' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'router' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE } }, 'security' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Security'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'tag' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Tag'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'transactionManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Transaction\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'url' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL } }, 'fullUrl' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'view' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] } }, 'db' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'session' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'logger' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }]; protected $sharedInstances = ['router' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => ..., 'view' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] }, 'Karisui\Controllers\IndexController' => ...]; protected $eventsManager = NULL } }; protected $activeMethodMap = ['index' => 'index']; protected $actionName = 'index'; protected $actionSuffix = 'Action'; protected $camelCaseMap = ['index' => 'Index']; protected $defaultNamespace = 'Karisui\\Controllers'; protected $handlerHashes = ['000000002affc735000000005f78285f' => TRUE]; protected $handlerName = 'index'; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['dispatch:beforeExecuteRoute' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Karisui\Plugins\SecurityPlugin { protected $container = NULL }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $finished = TRUE; protected $forwarded = FALSE; protected $isControllerInitialize = FALSE; protected $lastHandler = NULL; protected $modelBinder = NULL; protected $modelBinding = FALSE; protected $moduleName = ''; protected $namespaceName = 'Karisui\\Controllers'; protected $params = []; protected $previousActionName = NULL; protected $previousHandlerName = NULL; protected $previousNamespaceName = NULL; protected $returnedValue = NULL; protected $defaultAction = 'index'; protected $defaultHandler = 'index'; protected $handlerSuffix = 'Controller' }; protected $stopped = FALSE; protected $type = 'beforeExecuteRoute' }, $dispatcher = class Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher { protected $container = class Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault { protected $services = ['annotations' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Annotations\\Adapter\\Memory'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'assets' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Assets\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'crypt' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Crypt'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'cookies' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response\\Cookies'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = ... }, 'escaper' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Escaper'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'eventsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Events\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flash' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = FALSE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flashSession' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Flash\\Session'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'filter' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsMetadata' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'request' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Request'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'response' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'router' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE } }, 'security' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Security'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'tag' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Tag'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'transactionManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Transaction\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'url' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL } }, 'fullUrl' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'view' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] } }, 'db' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'session' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'logger' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }]; protected $sharedInstances = ['router' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => ..., 'view' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] }, 'Karisui\Controllers\IndexController' => class Karisui\Controllers\IndexController { protected bool $useActionLog = FALSE; protected string $title = '刈谷市民吹奏楽団'; protected array $metas = []; protected array $priCss = []; protected array $priJs = []; protected array $secCss = []; protected array $secJs = []; protected string $siteCharset = 'UTF-8'; protected string $today = ''; protected string $subDir = ''; protected string $controllerPath = ''; protected array $hierarchy = []; protected Karisui\Models\Users $user = *uninitialized*; protected int $uid = 0; protected array $logs = []; protected $container = ... }]; protected $eventsManager = NULL }; protected $activeHandler = class Karisui\Controllers\IndexController { protected bool $useActionLog = FALSE; protected string $title = '刈谷市民吹奏楽団'; protected array $metas = []; protected array $priCss = []; protected array $priJs = []; protected array $secCss = []; protected array $secJs = []; protected string $siteCharset = 'UTF-8'; protected string $today = ''; protected string $subDir = ''; protected string $controllerPath = ''; protected array $hierarchy = []; protected Karisui\Models\Users $user = *uninitialized*; protected int $uid = 0; protected array $logs = []; protected $container = class Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault { protected $services = ['annotations' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Annotations\\Adapter\\Memory'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'assets' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Assets\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'crypt' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Crypt'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'cookies' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response\\Cookies'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = ... }, 'escaper' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Escaper'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'eventsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Events\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flash' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = FALSE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'flashSession' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Flash\\Session'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'filter' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'modelsMetadata' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'request' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Request'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'response' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Http\\Response'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'router' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE } }, 'security' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Security'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'tag' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Tag'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'transactionManager' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Transaction\\Manager'; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'url' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL } }, 'fullUrl' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'view' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = TRUE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] } }, 'db' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'session' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }, 'logger' => class Phalcon\Di\Service { protected $definition = class Closure { }; protected $resolved = FALSE; protected $shared = TRUE; protected $sharedInstance = NULL }]; protected $sharedInstances = ['router' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router { protected $container = ...; protected $action = NULL; protected $controller = NULL; protected $defaultAction = NULL; protected $defaultController = NULL; protected $defaultModule = NULL; protected $defaultNamespace = NULL; protected $defaultParams = []; protected $eventsManager = NULL; protected $keyRouteNames = []; protected $keyRouteIds = []; protected $matchedRoute = NULL; protected $matches = NULL; protected $module = NULL; protected $namespaceName = NULL; protected $notFoundPaths = NULL; protected $params = []; protected $removeExtraSlashes = TRUE; protected $routes = [0 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 0; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/' }, 1 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 1; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:params' }, 2 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 2; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers', 'subDir' => '', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/:controller/:action/:params' }, 3 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/members'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 3; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/members' }, 4 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 4; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:params' }, 5 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/members/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 5; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Members', 'subDir' => 'members/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/members/:controller/:action/:params' }, 6 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/abc'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 6; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/abc' }, 7 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 7; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:params' }, 8 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/abc/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 8; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Abc', 'subDir' => 'abc/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/abc/:controller/:action/:params' }, 9 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '/admin'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 9; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']; protected $pattern = '/admin' }, 10 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 10; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 'index', 'params' => 2]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:params' }, 11 => class Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route { protected $beforeMatch = NULL; protected $compiledPattern = '#^/admin/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)/([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+)(/.*)*$#u'; protected $converters = NULL; protected $group = NULL; protected $hostname = NULL; protected $id = 11; protected $methods = NULL; protected $match = NULL; protected $name = NULL; protected $paths = ['namespace' => 'Karisui\\Controllers\\Admin', 'subDir' => 'admin/', 'controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]; protected $pattern = '/admin/:controller/:action/:params' }]; protected $wasMatched = FALSE }, 'config' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['database' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['adapter' => 'Mysql', 'host' => 'db', 'username' => 'karisui', 'password' => 'jG+u2TkTwQd$', 'dbname' => 'karisui_pri', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['adapter' => 'adapter', 'host' => 'host', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'dbname' => 'dbname', 'charset' => 'charset']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'application' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['appDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/', 'controllersDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Controllers/', 'modelsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Models/', 'formsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Forms/', 'viewsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/', 'pluginsDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Plugins/', 'discreteDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Discrete/', 'cacheDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/tmp/', 'dataDir' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/data/', 'logFilename' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/logs/phalcon.log', 'docRoot' => '/var/www/anex.karisui/public/', 'baseUri' => '/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['appdir' => 'appDir', 'controllersdir' => 'controllersDir', 'modelsdir' => 'modelsDir', 'formsdir' => 'formsDir', 'viewsdir' => 'viewsDir', 'pluginsdir' => 'pluginsDir', 'discretedir' => 'discreteDir', 'cachedir' => 'cacheDir', 'datadir' => 'dataDir', 'logfilename' => 'logFilename', 'docroot' => 'docRoot', 'baseuri' => 'baseUri']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'mail' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['transferTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'noticeTo' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => '大西', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => '大西携帯']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['s-ohnishi@xqt.jp' => 's-ohnishi@xqt.jp', 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp' => 't_cello@c.vodafone.ne.jp']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'page' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => 'registration/usr/', 'login' => 'mypage/login/', 'read' => 'admin/mails/read/']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register', 'login' => 'login', 'read' => 'read']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'sender' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['register' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['name' => '刈吹ユーザー登録', 'email' => 'info@karisui.jp']; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['name' => 'name', 'email' => 'email']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['register' => 'register']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['transferto' => 'transferTo', 'noticeto' => 'noticeTo', 'page' => 'page', 'sender' => 'sender']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'login' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['retryLimit' => 3, 'lockoutTime' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['retrylimit' => 'retryLimit', 'lockouttime' => 'lockoutTime']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'registration' => class Phalcon\Config { protected $data = ['validSeconds' => 1200]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['validseconds' => 'validSeconds']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'printNewLine' => TRUE]; protected $insensitive = TRUE; protected $lowerKeys = ['database' => 'database', 'application' => 'application', 'mail' => 'mail', 'login' => 'login', 'registration' => 'registration', 'printnewline' => 'printNewLine']; protected $pathDelimiter = NULL }, 'dispatcher' => ..., 'view' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View { protected $container = ...; protected $actionName = NULL; protected $activeRenderPaths = NULL; protected $basePath = ''; protected $content = NULL; protected $controllerName = NULL; protected $currentRenderLevel = 0; protected $disabled = FALSE; protected $disabledLevels = NULL; protected $engines = FALSE; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['view:afterRender' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$event' => '<required>', '$view' => '<required>'] }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $layout = NULL; protected $layoutsDir = ''; protected $mainView = 'index'; protected $options = []; protected $params = NULL; protected $pickView = NULL; protected $partialsDir = ''; protected $registeredEngines = ['.volt' => class Closure { public $this = ...; public $parameter = ['$view' => '<required>'] }, '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\\Mvc\\View\\Engine\\Php']; protected $renderLevel = 5; protected $templatesAfter = []; protected $templatesBefore = []; protected $viewsDirs = '/var/www/anex.karisui/app/Views/'; protected $viewParams = [] }, 'Karisui\Controllers\IndexController' => ...]; protected $eventsManager = NULL } }; protected $activeMethodMap = ['index' => 'index']; protected $actionName = 'index'; protected $actionSuffix = 'Action'; protected $camelCaseMap = ['index' => 'Index']; protected $defaultNamespace = 'Karisui\\Controllers'; protected $handlerHashes = ['000000002affc735000000005f78285f' => TRUE]; protected $handlerName = 'index'; protected $eventsManager = class Phalcon\Events\Manager { protected $collect = FALSE; protected $enablePriorities = FALSE; protected $events = ['dispatch:beforeExecuteRoute' => class SplPriorityQueue { private $flags = 1; private $isCorrupted = FALSE; private $heap = [0 => ['data' => class Karisui\Plugins\SecurityPlugin { protected $container = NULL }, 'priority' => 100]] }]; protected $responses = NULL }; protected $finished = TRUE; protected $forwarded = FALSE; protected $isControllerInitialize = FALSE; protected $lastHandler = NULL; protected $modelBinder = NULL; protected $modelBinding = FALSE; protected $moduleName = ''; protected $namespaceName = 'Karisui\\Controllers'; protected $params = []; protected $previousActionName = NULL; protected $previousHandlerName = NULL; protected $previousNamespaceName = NULL; protected $returnedValue = NULL; protected $defaultAction = 'index'; protected $defaultHandler = 'index'; protected $handlerSuffix = 'Controller' }, NULL ).../index.php:54
70.0016444240rtrim( $str = NULL, $character_mask = '/' ).../SecurityPlugin.php:20